Paul Verbanck

Président du conseil d'administration, membre fondateur
Paul Verbanck is Head of the Psychiatry Department (Brugmann University Hospital), Director of the Laboratory of Medical Psychology and Addictive Behaviours (Psymed, Faculty of Medicine – ULB) and Ordinary Professor (ULB).
A Propos

Paul Verbanck is former Head of the Psychiatry Department (Brugmann University Hospital), Director of the Laboratory of Medical Psychology and Addictive Behaviours (Psymed, Faculty of Medicine – ULB) and Ordinary Professor (ULB). He is the author of about 200 peer-review full papers. His collaborator, Pierre Oswald, is one of the ten Belgian specialists of adult ADHD.

The special clinical expertises of Dr Paul Verbanck are in the field of addictive behaviours, neuropsychiatry, adult manifestations of ADHD and clinical neurophysiology. The main research programs in which he is involved are the development of naturalistic stimulation paradigms for Event Related Potentials and use of them in the study and diagnosis of infra-clinical syndromes (e.g. borderline depressive disorders and consequences of binge drinking consequences in high-school students), and the study of psychophysiology of addictive behaviours using cognitive sciences models, fMRI and event-related potentials.

Dr Paul Verbanck holds the following executive positions: Secretary of the Medical Ethical Committee (Brugmann University Hospital), executive board of many scientific societies (National and international); expert for the Belgian National Health Council and  expert for the National Fund for Scientific Research.

The ethical management is assigned to Dr. Verbanck (Brugman Hospital, ULB), accounting to his status as Medical Doctor and experience with ethical issues management in a clinical environment.


Publications de

Paul Verbanck

Proin euismod, urna vitae auctor venenatis, mi metus consectetur est, non rutrum sapien eros non mauris. Praesent ex felis, bibendum vel a, aliquet iaculis nunc. Pellentesque neque dolor, pretium ac ligula in.
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